Our baby yoga sessions follow on from our baby massage by continuing to enjoy one to one time with your baby in a relaxed Welsh atmosphere.
Our baby yoga sessions follow on from our baby massage by continuing to enjoy one to one time with your baby in a relaxed and safe environment.
Our groups are friendly and inclusive and they’re a great way to build confidence, learn a little Welsh and to socialize with new parents in your area – you don’t have to speak Welsh to join.
Baby yoga is an opportunity to strengthen and develop your baby’s muscles through simple movements which will also help you and your baby to relax as well as continuing to enjoy singing simple Welsh songs.
We run the following groups:
- Beginners baby yoga group from 10+weeks an opportunity to learn a number of relaxation movements that will benefit you and your baby.
- Further yoga baby group from 24+ weeks an opportunity to expand on the movements learnt in the beginners groupOur baby yoga sessions follow on from our baby massage by continuing to enjoy one to one time with your baby in a relaxed and safe environment.
Register here for your local group.