We are passionate about giving every child the opportunity to play, learn, grow and flourish in Welsh.

By giving the Welsh language to the young children of Wales we hope to unify a nation and build a vibrant, open and multi-cultural Welsh community. We wholeheartedly believe (and have data to support this) that children benefit from being bilingual and that the most effective way for children to grow bilingually is through Welsh-medium education. We also believe that every child in Wales has the right to Welsh-medium education.

As a parent, deciding on your child’s education will be one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. Many parents state that progression to Welsh-medium education for their child and indeed, their family in general, has been a positive and worthwhile experience.

Through the different groups and family support that’s available through the Mudiad we can provide a confident and smooth journey for your child to Welsh-medium education – from the Cymraeg for Kids groups, to the Cylch Ti a Fi and on then to the Cylch Meithrin.


A map showing all Mudiad Meithrin services that support families, together with Welsh primary schools.




Progression to Welsh-medium education is the next step from Cylch Meithrin.

Moving from a Cylch Meithrin to Welsh-medium education is a natural and important step for your child so that he/she continues to enjoy rich, informed and effective learning and play experiences through the medium of Welsh.


Welsh-medium education – Bilingual Skills

Welsh-medium education is the most effective way to ensure that your child becomes totally bilingual. Your child will not lose fluency in his/her first language (if Welsh is not his/her first language), but will be able to communicate fully in two languages.


Two languages – more job opportunities

The ability to speak Welsh is an advantage when applying for jobs in Wales. Often, being fluent in both Welsh and English is considered as an extra skill. Many posts note that being able to speak Welsh is a desirable or an essential skill. There is more demand today than ever before for bilingual skills in a variety of posts such as health, education, leisure, childcare and public services

Multilingual leaflet

Mudiad Meithrin believes that every child should have the right to Welsh-medium education. We have a multilingual leaflet in Arabic, Bangla, Polish, Punjabi, Somali, Urdu, Welsh and English promoting Welsh-medium education.


Siarad Dwy Iaith leaflet

Find out more about taking the first steps to Bilingualism.
