Awarding and celebrating all the good work carried out by staff and volunteers in your communities

Mudiad Meithrin Awards 2025

The nominations open on January 20, this is your opportunity to thank and celebrate all the good work that is going on in your community.

This year there are 12 award categories which are;

  1. Leader
  2. Playing and Learning Outside
  3. Cylch Meithrin
  4. Small Cylch Meithrin (12 or less on the register)
  5. Cylch Ti a Fi
  6. Cylch i Bawb (Cylch for all)
  7. Assistant
  8. New Welsh Speakers
  9. Volunteer – Friend of the cylch
  10. Day Nursery
  11. Committee
  12. Learning and Development

Not sure what to include in the nomination? see our guidelines below for ideas.

To nominate a person or cylch, fill in the nomination form below stating why they deserve to win. If you wish to nominate a person or group for more than one category you will need to fill in a separate form for each category. You can upload a maximum of 5 photos to support your nomination. We will be using these photos for the Mudiad Meithrin Awards (e.g. on our website, social media etc.) and so it is important for you to ensure that these permissions are in place for any photos. We would like to receive photos in ‘landscape’ format if possible.

Nominations closing date 21 March, 2025.

2024 Winners

2023 Awards Ceremony winners and Shortlist

2022 Awards Ceremony winners and Shortlist

2021 Awards Ceremony Winners and Shortlist