As an organization passionate about giving every child the opportunity to play, learn and grow through the medium of Welsh, we appreciate how important it is for you as a parent to find quality childcare and to feel that you are choosing the best education for your child.

Our activities offers your child a smooth journey to Welsh-medium education enabling him/her to become bilingual. We offer a variety of groups for you and your child from crib to school which begins with your local Cymraeg for Kids group > Cylch Ti a Fi group > Cylch Meithrin.

With 50 years’ experience in early years care and education, and over 1,500 qualified and friendly staff working in our Cylchoedd Meithrin across Wales, you can be assured that your child will receive the best early years care and education at your local Cylch Meithrin.

The aim of the Cylch Meithrin is to promote the education and development of children from two years old to school age. At the Cylch Meithrin your child will have the opportunity to enjoy the company of other children and learn through play with competent, friendly and enthusiastic staff.

Click here to find a your local Cylch Meithrin.


A map showing all Mudiad Meithrin services that support families, together with Welsh primary schools.

Siarad Dwy Iaith

A colourful booklet outlining how your child learns two languages and becoming bilingual.


Welcome to the Cylch Meithrin

A colourful prospectus featuring what to fun activities your child will experience at the Cylch Meithrin.


Cymraeg in the Cylch Meithrin


The Flying Start bilingual journey


Multilingual leaflet

Outlining the benefits of Welsh-medium education in 8 languages
