Every Cylch Meithrin that enrols with Mudiad Meithrin is committed to sharing our vision that every child in Wales has the right to learn, play, grow and thrive through the medium of Welsh.

When you become a Mudiad Meithrin member you will:

  • receive support from our staff
  • access financial support through our annual grant fund, start upgrant or emergency grant
  • have the opportunity to attend training sessions to extend skills through academi
  • receive support to further develop Welsh language skills
  • receive consistent and up-to-date information on changes and events within the Early Years in Wales
  • be able to promote the cylch through the ‘find childcare‘ section of the website
  • receive resources and an opportunity to apply for the Serennog Standards standard mark
  • have the opportunity to advertise any job vacancies on our website
  • access a load of various documents and resources that help run Cylch Meithrin on our intranet
  • and much more

By joining Mudiad Meithrin the Cylch will have access to professional support and advice to ensure that the children in their care have the most enriching experiences, full details can be found in the services pack below.

Every Cylch Meithrin is expected to conform with Mudiad Meithrin’s Welsh Language Policy and to register with CIW.

Services pack for Cylchoedd Meithrin 2023 – 24
