Any childcare setting which runs for more than 2 hours must register with Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW).

CIW is the independent regulator for social and childcare in Wales.

CIW registers, inspects, and operates to improve the quality and safety of services for the wellbeing of the people of Wales.

CIW inspect registered settings to ensure that they are providing safe care.



Either the Cylch Meithrin’s Registered Person or Responsible Individual is answerable to CIW and the committee will need to work together to conform to the legal requirements of the CIW National Minimum Standards (made by Welsh Government), which include the following:

  • Providing information about the service (Statement of Purpose)
  • Empowering service users
  • Ensuring quality of care
  • Managing and maintaining the service
  • Dealing with complaints
  • Following Child Protection procedures
  • Informing CIW of an incidents / changes
  • Looking after the physical environment (health and safety)
  • Complete and send an annual Self Assessment of Quality of Care report to CIW