As a an organisation that is passionate about giving every young child the opportunity to play, learn and grow through the Welsh language – creating thousands of new Welsh speakers each year – we are delighted to announce that we have appointed Carys Gwyn as Head of the Language Training Team to lead on all of our language schemes.

Carys Gwyn will take up her post as Head of the Language Training Team in April, and will also be key member of Mudiad Meithrin’s Strategic Team. Mudiad Meithrin has been a golden thread throughout Carys’ career since she was first appointed in 2004 as a Support Officer in Flintshire. Soon she was promoted as our North-east Coordinator before assuming the role of our Director across the North. Carys is currently our Regional Manager for North-east and Mid Wales.

Carys Gwyn said:

“Leading this team is a very exciting opportunity as it will bring together several programmes that have language acquisition, trochi (immersion) and language learning in common. I look forward to collaborating with a number of old and new partners to support the
workforce, volunteers and families on their Welsh language journey.”

The purpose of the post is to lead a new department bridging several important schemes in Mudiad Meithrin’s language training arm, influencing the development and support of language skills within the childcare workforce and families. Broadly speaking, this includes ‘Croesi’r Bont’ (our language immersion scheme) and ‘Clebran’, Clwb Cwtsh (our language learning programme aimed at families) and the Welsh in the workplace scheme ‘Camau’

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Mudiad Meithrin CEO said:


“Carys brings years of experience and knowledge to lead this new department. This will enable us to grow our influence in the field of language planning responding to the needs of the childcare workforce, schools and families. I look forward to working with her”.