Mudiad Meithrin is proud to announce that the Dewin & Doti Channel (Dewin a Doti – YouTube) will launch on YouTube on 7th March.

Brand new videos on the theme of Friends of the Forest will be released during the day, and as it’s World Book Day on that day Lowri Siôn will read one of Dewin and Doti’s favourite books – the story Ffrindiau’r Goedwig (Friends of the Forest). The first series of videos will include an animation of the Ffrindiau’r Goedwig song, and various experiences based on the theme which were filmed at Cywion Bach Day Nursery in Carmarthenshire recently.

Dewin and Doti are already well loved, familiar characters within Mudiad Meithrin, and they will have a central presence on the channel. Through collaboration with the families and communities of Mudiad Meithrin, the channel will include a variety of educational and entertaining videos, bringing Mudiad Meithrin’s work to an online platform, accessible to all.

Project Leader Fflur Dafydd said:

“I am delighted to be part of this exciting project. There is so much support and excitement for the project within the Mudiad with over 20 settings having already shown an interest in being involved. I look forward to working with the Mudiad’s local communities across Wales to produce videos that will celebrate our culture and language, bringing Welsh into the homes of young children and their families.”

Cywion Bach Day Nursery was one of the first to be involved in the project. Anwen Phillips, the Nursery’s Leader, said:

“The staff and children were very excited to be a part of this excellent project. The children really enjoyed seeing the cameras and lights and filming with Dewin and Doti. The children (and their parents!) are looking forward to seeing themselves starring on screen as part of Dewin and Doti’s channel. What a great opportunity for us to share the good practice of the Mudiad Meithrin community with families across Wales.”

The team is very busy producing the next series of videos for the Dewin a Doti – YouTube channel and are keen to hear from the wider community of Mudiad Meithrin, especially from Welsh language actors or BSL interpreters. If you are interested in being involved in the project please e-mail

Keep a look out for Dewin and Doti filming in your area …Watch this space!