A brand new series of podcasts discussing the New Curriculum.
Vanessa Powell
In this episode we will hear how the Curriculum affects our provision within the Cylchoedd Meithrin, and how Vanessa and the Mudiad’s staff have been working with the Welsh Government to develop the new Curriculum.
Charlotte Thrussle
In this episode, we hear more about the Well-being Developmental Pathway, and how children’s well-being is a vital part of the new Curriculum.
Kayleigh Bickford
Singing, Makaton, acting, FaceTime- some of the communication methods Kayleigh Bickford from Cylch Meithrin Beddau discusses with Nia Parry in the latest episode of our podcast.
Jaqueline Hooban
In this episode Jacqueline talks about the Exploration Developmental Pathway, and how it offers children the chance to explore international cultures in the early years.
Hannah Rowley
Listen to Nia Parry chatting to Hannah Rowley, Deputy Leader of Cylch Meithrin Nant Dyrys, discussing the Belonging Developmental Pathway and how important a sense of belonging is to the children and families of the cylch.
Wendy Davies
In this last episode of BABY STEPS INTO THE CURRICULUM, Wendy Davies, Leader of Ffrindiau Bach Tegryn Aberporth shares how the new Curriculum is an opportunity to ensure that the children develop physically and mentally whilst moving their bodies.