Mudiad Meithrin’s vision is for every child in Wales to be able to learn and play through the medium of Welsh, and we’re pleased to learn that a Cylch Meithrin in Carmarthenshire is one example of many that has recently welcomed children fleeing from the war in Ukraine.

Lev and Yeva (a brother and sister aged 4 and 3) along with their family members have taken refuge in a rural village near Ammanford after fleeing the war. They attend a Cylch Meithrin in the village and enjoy playing and learning with their new friends and staff.

Leanne Marsh, Head of Services Development Department for Mudiad Meithrin said:

“It’s hard to know how to begin to summarise Lev and Yeva’s story. Their story, like that of so many refugee children, is one that is difficult for us to begin to understand its true effects. We are particularly proud as an organisation of our members’ work in the Cylchoedd Meithrin, Cylchoedd Ti and Fi and day nurseries – which provide a sanctuary for children. Their whole purpose is to try and make sure that children have a chance to be children and staff and volunteers are working hard to make this a reality.

We are aware that Lev and Yeva’s story is one that represents many other children across Wales who have fled persecution and we are grateful to collaboration with the Red Cross charity and others as we support our cylchoedd to welcome children from all walks of life”.

Lev (aged 4) and Yeva (aged 3) are pictured with Miss Marie and Miss Jenny in the Cylch Meithrin.