Mudiad Meithrin is proud to announce that we’ve just begun a new project creating a YouTube channel for Dewin and Doti, and we’re just bursting with excitement at the prospect! Thanks to the National Lottery Community Fund for a grant of almost £497,000, over a period of three years Mudiad Meithrin will create a library of around 120 short videos aimed at young children and their families.

The grant has enabled the Mudiad to appoint a team of three new members of staff, who began in post at the beginning of January, to realize the project: Fflur Dafydd (Digital Project Leader), Rhodri Williams (Senior Filming and Editing Officer) and Gwenno Haf Jones (Digital Marketing Officer).

Fflur Dafydd, Project Leader, said:

“I am delighted to be part of this exciting project. There is so much support and excitement for the project within the Mudiad and it’s a privilege to be a part of it. I look forward to working with the Mudiad’s local communities across Wales to produce videos that will celebrate our culture and language, bringing Welsh into the homes of young children and their families.”

Dewin and Doti are already well-known as Mudiad Meithrin’s beloved characters, and they will be a core part of the channel’s content. With the input of Mudiad Meithrin families and communities, the channel will deliver a range of informative and entertaining content, bringing the important work of Mudiad Meithrin to an online platform that is easy and safe to use.

Rob Roffe, Head of Mid and West Region said,
“Congratulations to Mudiad Meithrin on your grant. We look forward to seeing the creative work you do to promote the Welsh language to young children and their families with these new videos. The National Lottery Community Fund is the largest funder of community activity in the UK giving out more than £30million a week. Grants are made possible thanks to the players of the National Lottery.”

The new team is very busy working on the production of the first series of videos and aims to launch the first series of videos as early as March. Keep a look out for Dewin and Doti filming in your area …Watch this space…!


Click here to register to receive information when the channel is up and running. –

Rhodri Williams, Fflur Dafydd and Gwenno Jones