Celebrating the curriculum

This is a new resource that unpacks the main elements of the curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings.

A series of conversations with practitioners who share their experiences of introducing the curriculum. This resource comes in six parts and is perfect for discussions in team meetings or for you to follow in your own time.

To receive a copy of the Resource, click here.

To watch the video clips, click on the specific video below:

To receive a copy of the resource, click here.


Interpreting the assessment arrangements

This resource will support you to understand how, why, where and when to observe and assess children’s progress and how to follow the process of notice, analyse and respond to children’s interests.

To receive a copy of this pack, please order here.

Here is a new resource from Mudiad Meithrin and Powys local authority on ‘Cynefin’. This resource will support you in interpreting the meaning of ‘The place where we feel we belong’ and what this might look like to young children. We have included songs, experiences, books and some Welsh vocabulary.

To receive a copy of this pack, please order here.

Making Maths Purposeful and Meaningful

This is the first part of a new resource that explores mathematical concepts and discusses how to introduce these concepts to young children. The second part of the resource will explore these concepts in greater depth and will share good practice from Mudiad Meithrin settings. Click on the poster for more information.


Click on the posters for more information.


Click below to see a postcard on messy play;

Click below to see a poster on Things to do with your children during Autumn;

Click below to see a poster on Things to do with your children during Winter;

Click below to see a poster on Things to do with your children during Spring time;

Click below to see a poster on Things to do with your children during Summer;