The main aim of Mudiad Meithrin is to provide every young child in Wales with an opportunity to benefit from early years services and experiences through the medium of Welsh to create new Welsh speakers.

We do this by developing and supporting, providing and facilitating Welsh-medium childcare and education in Cylchoedd Meithrin and registered day nurseries by using and adopting the language immersion method. In addition, we provide and facilitate services to support families to introduce and use Welsh in Cylchoedd Ti a Fi Groups, ‘Cymraeg for Kids’ groups and ‘Clwb Cwtsh‘ sessions, influencing policy and campaigning for Welsh-medium care and education.

Mudiad Meithrin principles are:

  • acquiring the Welsh language is of advantage to children.
    To this end we will organize as many contact hours with the Welsh language as possible and use only Welsh in our provision.
  • every child should have an equal opportunity to access Welsh medium services in the early years within easy reach of his home. 
    We will try to establish suitable provision to meet the need locally and will try to secure additional support for children from disadvantaged   backgrounds.
  • continuity in Welsh medium education is essential for every child attending our provision.
    To this end, we call for continuity in Welsh medium education within easy reach of every child’s home.
  • play is fundamental to the physical, emotional, linguistic, social and intellectual development of children.
    We will ensure every possible opportunity to learn through play.
  • children, whatever their needs, benefit from good quality early years experiences. 
    We will welcome children with additional needs to our provision.
  • the family is the foundation of a child’s development.
    Every opportunity will be provided for families to support the early years’ experiences of their children, and we will offer linguistic and social support for families through our provision’s activities.
  • children’s rights, in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Children’s Act 1989, are very important.
    To this end children will have the right to expect every adult, who has responsibility for them, to protect them from all kinds of abuse.

The following strategic documents highlight the Mudiad’s policy priorities for the period 2015 to 2025:

Rebuild and Renew Strategy 2020-21


Mudiad Meithrin’s Manifesto 2021-2026


Meithrin Miliwn – Mudiad’s response to the Cymraeg 2050 language strategy


Dewiniaith –  A Vision for Mudiad Meithrin 2015 – 2025
